Saturday, October 1, 2011

Letter From the Editor-In-Chief

Dear Football Fans and Loyal Readers:

Audibles Magazine has been gone for a few months, the lockout is over, and we're about five weeks into the regular season. Needless to say, we've got some major catching up to do. I'd like to personally thank all my loyal readers, and those who have "liked" the Audibles Facebook page. Furthermore, I'd like to thank my supporters in Atlanta, GA for nominating the magazine for ATL's Hottest Entertainment Awards. While Audibles does not have a large following, every little bit counts and I personally want to thank each and every person who has taken time out of their busy schedule to log onto this page. Its people who like you who keep hope alive for struggling journalists. So, without further ado, let's get re-acquainted and talk about football!!


Crystal Maree
Audibles Magazine
The Crystal Clear Media, LLC

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Suh, You Think You Can Advance?

Ndamukong Suh had a fairly exceptional rookie season, but everyone already foresaw that before the 2010 draft while he was still intimidating people from the D-line at Nebraska. The Lions, while they had a better year than previously, still weren't quite in reach of playoff contention. However, after the selections they made in this year's draft, that might change. But is it enough? Nick Fairley was selected 13th overall by the Lions, and while he is a formidable opponent, he may also be a one hit wonder, literally. Detroit was definitely not at the bottom of the barrel of NFL teams at the end of the season. The selection of Fairley might possibly make Detroit's defense one of the strongest in the NFC, and wisely enough the Lions also made some additions on offense as well. The problem is, though, in the playoffs can Fairley and Suh stop an offense like the Saints who just added Mark Ingram, another Heisman winner to their roster on offense, or the Falcons who are sticking Julio Jones with the already talented Pro bowler Roddy White. Or better yet, can Suh and Fairley successfully defend against Aaron Rodgers or Jay Cutler in their own division? These are teams the Lions need to be thinking about, because these are teams that consistently advance through the playoffs in the NFC. A Superbowl win? We're not even going to put that on their plate at all, right now we want is to get them in position to make an appearance in the playoffs. That would be a great treat to fans who've stuck around through many a tough seasons.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lockout Reimposed

On April 29th, the lockout that was lifted just 12 hours before was reinstated. Court ordered negotiations will resume May 16th. The on again off again lockout is confusing to players who aren't sure if they will have a job come fall.

Frank Walker, corner for the Minnesota Vikings tweeted on Thursday, "Does anyone know whether or not imma be playing with the Vikes this year if so let me know. Please."

Arrests and legal troubles is at an all time high among players. Brandon Marshall, and Albert Haynesworth are among a few of the players who have had legal woes since the lockout ensued. Owners and players are trying to find a way to divide up over $9 billion dollars in revenue. However, the majority of NFL players are not millionaires, while almost all of the owners are millionaires or billionaires. It seems reaching an agreement should be a lot easier considering.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

NFL Draft Selection

The big day has already come and gone and the first round of selections are over. See how you fared in your mock draft by clicking on the NFL 101: Rookie Orientation tab where we listed the players who were selected in the first round.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

NFL 2011 Schedule


















He Hate Me

This game of professional football that we’ve all grown to love wouldn’t be nearly as exciting if the players all played by the rules all the time: no junk talking on twitter, no tripping when the ref isn’t looking, no slick punches or jabs. That’s what makes us like or dislike players. Sometimes disliking a player is what makes us want to watch them, because that’s the nature of people. We like to watch people we hate fail, and some of us like to see the bad guy on top. A lot of players in the NFL are hated, but when it all comes down to it, because they are hated, they are (as Charlie Sheen puts it) winning. Being the most hated person in the world can make you popular. With that being said, without further ado, here is Audible Magazine’s list of five players we love to hate.

Chad Johnson (Ochocinco)
Chad Johnson first came onto the scene somewhat quietly in 2001 as a second round draft pick in the draft. Yes he had that hideous blond mohawk and gold teeth, but that's due largely because of where he is from. By 2003 he was setting records as a wide receiver with the Bengals, recording over 1,355 yards. The next year he caught 95 receptions resulting in 9 touchdowns and tacked on another 1,274 yards, a record he later passed in 2005.  It was in that same year, that the arrogance began to shine through. Chad came up with a list entitled “Who Covered 85 in ‘05” which consisted of a list of defensive backs who were able to cover him throughout the season. His cockiness led his coach to make his own list titled “Did 85 do everything he could to lead his team to victory 11-6-05”. Of course Chad made it clear that he liked his list better. After an injury made his ’06 season fairly sketchy, Chad’s stock begins to drop. His team saw him as a “selfish cancer”. He didn’t like how he was portrayed with his team, and managed to humble himself considerably. Gone were the bright blond Mohawk, and other attention grabbing antics Chad frequently pulled out of his ass. Still Chad managed to become a six time Pro Bowler and was named to the All Pro team 3 times. His most recent antics, which include a legal name change to Ocho Cinco, a reality show, and any and everything he puts on twitter continues to stir controversy. So much in fact that his own quarterback wants to either leave the team, or have him removed.  Now why do we love Ochocino? Well, why not? He’s thoroughly entertaining, and there’s no telling what he’s going to do in the end zone. It’s almost like you hate his guts and you want him to fail, but you also want to see him score touchdowns for the sheer entertainment.

DeSean Jackson
DeSeans is pretty amazing to watch. He’ll piss you off the entire game, and then throw on his superhero cape and catch an impossible pass with seconds left on the clock and run the ball for a score.. DeSean has been showboating since he was a wee little one. Ok, well maybe not that early,  but as early as the high school U.S. Army All American Bowl where he did a somersault from the five yard line for a touchdown, but landed on the one yard line where he left the ball. Yeah, it was pretty exciting to watch, but the fact that he thought he actually scored the touchdown was probably the most embarrassing moment in his life. His antics and cockiness have kept him from learning his lesson. For example, during a Monday Night Football game against the Dallas Cowboys, he once again tossed the ball a yard before making it into the end zone. On a good note, his best season was probably the 2010 season.  In one game he ran back a pass and then turned around and “fainted” into the end zone, barely escaping a tackle. He won back everyone’s heart during last season’s infamous Eagles/Giants game in New York where his final play helped bring the Eagles back from a 31-10 deficit in less than 8 minutes of regulation. With 14 seconds left in that game, Jackson was set to receive a punt, which he fumbled at first, then picked up and ran 65 yards for the score crossing the goal line in just enough time to run out the clock. It definitely made all of us forget that for the first three quarters of the game we hated his showboating guts.

Jay Cutler
Remember the remake of the movie The Longest Yard? Adam Sandler plays a washed up quarterback that everyone loved until he shaved points off of a big game. His life pretty much goes downhill from there.  Well, not saying that Jay Cutler’s performance during the playoffs this past year was an indication that he was throwing the game, but hmmmmm. I mean, really Cutler was the quarterback that could do no wrong. The Bears weren’t amazing or anything, but as far as quarterbacks were concerned he held his own. The only game Cutler ever missed was due to a concussion, and in that instance he wanted to play but couldn't get medical clearance. Fast forward to last year’s Bears/Packers game and its due or die. Cutler limps off the field with an injured knee when his team needed him most. It was a Cutler nobody was used to. He looked as if he just gave up and didn’t really give a damn. He walked around sulking for the majority of the game, swapping between sitting on the bench and riding the bike. Some of his teammates and many fans loaded themselves up on the bus that they would later throw him under. They burned his jersey and defamed his name on twitter to start. The icing on the cake came when he was spotted a few days later, hanging around town, walking around like nothing ever happened to his knee. Considering that most spectators thought the Bears had a realistic chance of beating Green Bay, it would have perhaps been wiser for Mr. Cutler to over exaggerate his injury, if for no other reason than to make Bears fans feel better. Now he is probably one of the most hated men to ever walk the Chicago soil.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Ben Roethlisberger
I don’t think Big Ben is hated for what he does on the field as much as he is hated for what he does off the field. Word on the street is that he likes to rape women when he’s not playing in the Superbowl. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh. He has had a few run ins with the law over these speculations, but never any negative judgements against him. From an athletic aspect, Ben Roethlisberger might be one of the most overrated quarterbacks in the league. The Steelers defense is so strong, all he has to do is not turn the ball over . Even NFL Commissioner Roger Goodall has confirmed that Ben’s teammates think he is somewhat of an asshole and he feels no connection with him, so who knows what’s going on in that big head of his. Honestly, it hasn’t really been a secret that Ben is somewhat of a d-bag. 

Cortland Finnegan
Cortland Finnegan is hated for the most obvious reasons. He is a big bully, he has anger management issues and he likes to pick fights and not take responsibility for his actions. He is basically an asshole who knows how to play football well enough to play professionally. Maybe Finnegan learned from Albert Haynesworth, and that makes me think that maybe it’s a Tennessee thing. The first major incident came when Mike Wallace of the Steelers knocked Finnegan’s helmet off, to which he replied with a swift punch. Granted, fingers could be pointed at each player, but Finnegan acted last so he was caught by the refs. Exactly one week later, he drags NY Giants Steve Smith to the ground by his helmet. Apparently he plays by the method of “any means necessary”. Unfortunately, that logic doesn’t mesh well with NFL rules and regulations. Fast forward one week later, and Finnegan headbutts and punches an offensive lineman for the Broncos. When asked why he did such a thing he replied “I was just being me.” It’s almost awkward that Finnegan came out of Samford University, a private baptist school in Alabama. Those Baptists, they sure do play dirty...just ask John The Baptist. Then there’s the famous Finnegan/Andre Johnson fight. I could go on and on and on with Finnegan’s run-ins. Eventually if he keeps going down the same road, he’s gonna fine himself out of a job, and that’s not a typo.